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Breast Cancer Conqueror Podcast

Aug 31, 2022

My unhealed past trauma was part of what caused my breast cancer, and I know it is the same for many of you. This is why Essential #4 is Heal Your Emotional Wounds and why I’m thrilled to host Dr. Michelle Dawson on the podcast!

With a doctorate in Mind-Body Medicine and a certificate in Neuroemotional Technique and Neurolinguistic Programming, Dr. Michelle Dawson is a professor, private practitioner, and advisor of Recall Healing

Tune in to learn why the word “inconceivable” is interchangeable with “breast cancer” in Recall Healing and how you CAN regain health and wellbeing by unlocking the secret of your illness. Through this mind-body medicine modality, you will utilize life experiences, somatic awareness, and genealogy to address the underlying emotional roots of cancer-promoting healing.