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Breast Cancer Conqueror Podcast

Jan 7, 2019

Dr. Mirko Beljanski is considered the “Father of Environmental Medicine” because he was the first one to provide a scientific explanation at the level of the DNA on how environmental toxins can affect our DNA and induce cancer.

Ostracized by the conventional oncology community and severely persecuted and poisoned by the French government Beljanski’s laboratory was eventually and brutally shut down.

Fulfilling a promise to carry on her father’s legacy and work, Sylvie Beljanski, founded The Beljanski Foundation, a registered non-profit, whose mission is to further Dr. Beljanski’s research within a network of high-profile research institutions. Since then, she has been serving as Vice President of the Foundation, relentlessly spreading the word and educating the public about the effects of environmental toxins on our health.

Today Sylvie shares some insight into her fathers work and how his products were able to help many cancer patients including Francois Mitterrand, then President of France, during his battle with advanced prostate cancer.  Learn about the Beljanski Products available on the market today and how they can be used to benefit many types of health conditions.